Classroom Management

The goal of discipline is always heart change so we become more like Christ in the way we think, act, and speak. At times, we all need reminders, correction, and training in order to accomplish this. To help us in training our hearts and minds and in order to create an environment conducive to learning for all students, we will follow these procedures throughout each Middle School class.


Classroom Rules:

Rewards for positive behavior may include:

When an expectation of behavior is not met:

Since being on time is critical to learning and an important part of respect for others, five tardies will result in a demerit on RenWeb.

After three (3) demerits students will receive 1 lunch detention, as well as lunch detentions for the fourth and fifth demerits. On sixth demerit students will receive an after school detention, as well as after school detentions for seventh and eighth demerits. Upon student receiving the sixth and eighth demerit, a parent meeting with Administration is required. On the ninth demerit students will receive after school detention or a suspension. After ten (10) demerits students will receive a suspension or possible expulsion and will be placed on probation or denied registration for the following year. A parent meeting with Administration is required at the tenth demerit.