Middle School Discipline Policy

Water of Life Christian Middle School 

Discipline Plan  

At Water of Life Christian School, we believe as stated in Ephesian 2:10 that our students are “God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He prepared in advance for them to do.” As such it is our responsibility to create a loving and compassionate atmosphere where they can safely acquire academic knowledge, grow spiritually, develop relationships, discover their talents all while attaining self-discipline and Christ-like character. Our staff has developed a discipline system for middle school students because we expect the best from students and are committed to their success. Integral to this system are strong teacher-student relationships, good communication between home and school, a series of fun and age-appropriate activities for the students and a system of consequences to help guide them away from undesirable and harmful behaviors. Those consequences are outlined below.


The demerit system is designed to assist staff members in handling behavior and dress code problems. All demerits will be recorded in Renweb and emailed home to the parents. 

After three (3) demerits students will receive 1 lunch detention, as well as lunch detentions for the fourth and fifth demerits. On sixth demerit students will receive an after school detention, as well as after school detentions for seventh and eighth demerits. Upon student receiving the sixth and eighth demerit, a parent meeting with Administration is required. On the ninth demerit students will receive after school detention or a suspension. After ten (10) demerits students will receive a suspension or possible expulsion and will be placed on probation or denied registration for the following year. A parent meeting with Administration is required at the tenth demerit.

The severity of some situations may result in a faster progression in the demerit system. 

Demerit system schedule:

 1 demerit     – email home 

 2 demerits   – email home 

 3 demerits   – lunch detention/behavior contract 

 4 demerits   – lunch detention

 5 demerits   – lunch detention

 6 demerits   – After school detention and referral to Administration/parent meeting with Administration 

 7 demerits   – Afte rschool detention 

 8 demerits   – After school detention and parent meeting with Administration 

 9 demerits   – After school detention or Suspension

10 demerits  – Referral to Administration/parent meeting along  with possible Suspension/Expulsion 


Demerits are given by staff members when students repeatedly fail to comply with the regular classroom or school expectations.

Tardies -  Repeated tardiness will result in the issuance of one (1) demerit after three (3) tardies to school or to any class.  Citizenship grades include tardies and attendance.

Detentions - are assigned and scheduled by faculty and administration. Students who receive a detention are expected to serve it when the teacher/administrator schedules, regardless of co-curricular obligations. Students who fail to appear for detention will be subject to additional discipline as determined by school administration. 

Suspension is removal of a student from participation in the normal course of school activities. In special cases, students can receive an indefinite suspension. We consider suspension to be a serious disciplinary action, which is imposed only after student and faculty perspectives have been voiced. Parents will receive verbal and written notification of the decision, complete with explanation and consequences, and a copy of the notice will be placed in the student’s file. The administration will determine the length and conditions of the suspension. Students with a suspension must follow the same rules for make-up work as for excused absences; however, the assignments missed during suspension will receive a 25% reduction in grade. As suspension is a serious consequence for inappropriate behavior, we desire that students learn from the discipline. 

Expulsion represents the most extreme form of disciplinary action. Expulsion is the removal of the student as an enrolled student of Water of Life Christian Middle School. The duration of the expulsion shall be for a minimum of the remainder of the academic year. Based upon the particular facts and circumstances, the school may, but is not obligated, in its sole discretion, to permit the student to re-apply for admission at a later date. It is imposed on those rare instances when a student evidences persistent and/or otherwise inappropriate behavior that threatens the academic, social, or spiritual integrity of the school. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following: stealing, lying, cheating, sexual misconduct, harassment, threats of violence, violence directed to another person, damaging of school or another student’s property, possession and/or use of a weapon, tobacco, consuming alcohol, using illicit drugs or abusing prescription drugs or controlled substances, and/or the reluctance to behave in a manner that is consistent with the highest principles of Christian faith and practice as determined by the administration, faculty, staff, and School Board. The school also reserves the right to remove or dismiss any student based upon the failure of a parent or guardian to adhere to their parental commitment to cooperate with the school or otherwise support the philosophy, ministry, policies, procedures, and decisions of the school. 

The following are some of the reasons and causes for detentions, suspensions, and expulsions. This is a guideline to be used by students and parents to better understand consequences as applied to various infractions, but is by no means exhaustive. The school reserves the right based upon the seriousness of the offense, as determined by the school, and based upon the particular facts and circumstances, to in its sole discretion utilize any or all of the consequences or punishments listed below for any offense. The school reserves the right to impose a more or less stringent punishment for any offense based upon the particular facts and circumstances, the history of misconduct by the student, the contrition of the student, and what is in the best overall interest of the school. Students are advised that their consequences for any violation may also include loss of student privileges and activities, including participation in extracurricular or athletic events. 

1. Demerits 

a. Dress code violations include but are not limited to:

School Attire

WOLCS has chosen the following School Attire for our students in order to promote positive

learning environment.

School Uniforms for Girls:

School Logo Polo Shirts – (Navy, Gray or Gold) -They must be ordered from the company specified by the school.



School Uniforms for Boys:

School Logo Polo Shirts – (Navy, Gray or Gold) - They must be ordered from the companies specified by the school


P.E. Dress:

Students are required to change into P.E. uniforms for each P.E. class. WOLCS does not

provide P.E. lockers. Students are required to purchase a set of shorts, t-shirt and bag as

specified by the school from the designated company. Students MUST wear tennis/athletic shoes 

on P.E. days. Students will take their P.E. uniforms home each day in a P.E. bag and return them 

to school each day that P.E. is scheduled.

General Guidelines for Every School Day:

1. There should be no makeup worn and no hair dye/colored hair worn.

2. Pants are to be worn at the waist (above the hip bone) level. No extra-large baggy or tight

fitting clothing are allowed. Underclothes must be covered. Tops must cover the midriff at all


3. Hats and/or sunglasses are not to be worn in the building.

4. Earrings

Specific Guidelines for Free Dress:

Middle School students will be allowed to wear free dress every Friday, unless otherwise noted.

In addition to the above guidelines the following apply to free dress:

language, logos, and images of death, destruction or evil.

School Attire Dress Violations:

When students are in violation of school dress attire or the general appearance guidelines, they

will be issued a “School Dress Notice (pink form)”  that will be sent home and must be returned with the

parent’s signature the following school day. An email of the occurrence will be sent as well. If this happens again the student will be sent to the school office and the parent will be called to bring appropriate school clothing.


1. Continued classroom disruption = Demerit System

2. Detentions 

3. Suspension 

4. Expulsion 

5. Severes - Some situations may be so serious that suspension or expulsion will result immediately, without any prior steps.

Detention Details 

Detention notifications will be sent to the parents by email after an instance occurs.  Afterschool detentions will be served daily from 3:15-4:00 p.m. If a student fails to show up for an afterschool detention, the student’s detention time is increased by two more days during the same week. Parents can respond by email if another arrangement needs to be made for the detention time.  Activities during detention may include a combination of classwork, written assignments, or campus beautification. Water of Life Christian School staff members will monitor all detentions.

By signing below I understand and agree that my child will be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the Water of Life Christian Middle School Discipline Plan, at school and at school-sponsored and school-related activities, including school-sponsored travel, and for any school-related misconduct, regardless of time or location.

Parent Responsibility 

Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child adheres to the above mentioned discipline and dress code policy of WOLCS. Parents are responsible for reading all emails sent to the email address provided to WOLCS and responding in a timely manner. Without acknowledgement a gap is created in the desired partnership with school staff for your child’s academic and spiritual success. Please acknowledge receipt of emails so that staff at WOLCS will know that you are informed of your child’s academic and/or behavioral infraction.

Detention notifications will be sent to  parents by email after an instance occurs.  Afterschool detentions will be served daily from 3:15-4:00 p.m. If a student fails to show up for an afterschool detention, the student’s detention time is increased by two more days during the same week. Parents can respond by email if another arrangement needs to be made for the detention time.  Activities during detention may include a combination of classwork, written assignments, or campus beautification.


Parent Signature Date


Student Signature Date